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Is it a skirt or isit a pair of shorts?
It's both. Meet our super cute mini skorts in golden jacquard fabric. Perfect for an after party or a night out with your girls. Pair our golden skort with our cowl neck top from the new collection to create the perfect party outfit. Want to add boss babe vibes to it?
Add our satin blazer and girl you are on fire!
Lining | LINED | |||||
Print/ Pattern | SOLID | |||||
Fit | FITTED | |||||
Length | XS , S & M : 15" , L & XL : 16" | |||||
Sleeve Length | -- | |||||
Sleeve Length Type | -- | |||||
Neckline Type | -- | |||||
Neck Depth | -- | |||||
Pocket Description | NONE | |||||
Transparency of Fabric | NONE | |||||
Apparel Closure Type | SIDE ZIP FASTENING WITH A HOOK EYE | |||||
Model Description | MODEL IS 5'9" AND WEARS SIZE S |
Urban Suburban Luxe is a custom made line, the garments once purchased will only be applicable for a one-time size exchange.
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