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A simple, yet elegant black shirt to make your look cool and edgy. We've given it a buttoned down full sleeve crossed by the invisible placket making you feel classy in this edge-to-edge black satin shirt
Lining | UNLINED | |||||
Print/ Pattern | SOLID | |||||
Fit | LOOSE FIT | |||||
Length | XS: 26", S&M: 27", L&XL: 27.5" | |||||
Sleeve Length | XS: 19 1/4TH, S&M: 20 1/4TH, L&XL: 20 3'4TH | |||||
Sleeve Length Type | FULL SLEEVES | |||||
Neckline Type | V NECK | |||||
Neck Depth | -- | |||||
Pocket Description | NONE | |||||
Transparency of Fabric | NONE | |||||
Apparel Closure Type | BUTTON DOWN | |||||
Model Description | MODEL IS 5'7" AND WEARS SIZE S |
Urban Suburban Luxe is a custom made line, the garments once purchased will only be applicable for a one-time size exchange.
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