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Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Top Description:
Lining | Partially Self Lined | ||
Print/ Pattern | Solid | ||
Fit | Fit & Flare | ||
Length | XS:17.5, S&M:18, L&XL:18.5, XXL:19(From APEX) | ||
Sleeve Length | -- | ||
Sleeve Length Type | Sleeveless | ||
Neckline Type | Strapless | ||
Neck Depth | -- | ||
Pocket Description | None | ||
Transparency of Fabric | None | ||
Apparel Closure Type | Back zip closure | ||
Model Description | Model is 5'11" and wears an XS. |
Pant Description:
Lining | Lined | ||||
Print/ Pattern | Solid | ||||
Fit | Comfort | ||||
Length | XS:42, S&M:43, L&XL:43, XXL:43(From SIDE) | ||||
Sleeve Length | -- | ||||
Sleeve Length Type | -- | ||||
Neckline Type | -- | ||||
Neck Depth | -- | ||||
Pocket Description | None | ||||
Transparency of Fabric | None | ||||
Apparel Closure Type | Side zip closure | ||||
Model Description | Model is 5'11" and wears an XS. |
Top: Poly stretch
Pant: Poly stretch
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Please note sale items are not applicable for return or exchange/alterations.
For Further details, please view our RETURNS POLICY.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.