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Elevate your style with our chic wraparound midi dress. This dress features short sleeves with elegant pleat detailing, a flattering V-neckline, and a flounce hem for a touch of playful sophistication. Perfect for any occasion, this dress is a must-have addition to your wardrobe. Shop now for timeless elegance.
Lining | Unlined | ||||
Print/ Pattern | Printed | ||||
Fit | A-line | ||||
Length | XS: 50'' , S ,M ,L & XL 51'' | ||||
Sleeve Length | XS: 13'' , S ,& M 14'',L & XL 14.5'' | ||||
Sleeve Length Type | Puff Sleeves | ||||
Neckline Type | V-Neck | ||||
Neck Depth | XS 8.75'' ,S & M 9" ,L & XL 9.25'' | ||||
Pocket Description | None | ||||
Transparency of Fabric | None | ||||
Apparel Closure Type | Wrap tie-up | ||||
Model Description | Model is 5'8" and wears an S. |
Material: Heavy Crepe
Care: Dry Clean Only
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Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.
Ethically Sourced
This textile material potentially represents fabric surplus, residual stock, or be categorized as part of a deadstock.