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Introducing our classic white poplin shirt dress, a timeless wardrobe staple that effortlessly blends style and comfort. Made from premium quality poplin fabric, this dress features a crisp and clean white color that exudes sophistication and versatility. The dress boasts a flattering silhouette with a button-down front, a collared neckline, and a waist-cinching tie belt, making it a perfect fit for any body shape. The soft and breathable fabric ensures all-day comfort, while the dress's length falls elegantly above the knee, making it suitable for both casual and semi-formal occasions. Whether you're dressing up for a business meeting or dressing down for a casual outing, our white poplin shirt dress is the epitome of chic, effortless style. Shop now and elevate your wardrobe with this must-have piece that will never go out of fashion.
Lining | Unlined |
Print/ Pattern | Solid |
Fit | Fitted |
Length | XS: 31.5", S & M: 32.5", L & XL: 33.5"(From HPS) |
Sleeve Length | XS: 15.5", S & M: 16.5", L & XL: 17" |
Sleeve Length Type | Balloon Sleeves |
Neckline Type | V-Neck |
Neck Depth | -- |
Pocket Description | None |
Transparency of Fabric | None |
Apparel Closure Type | Button down closure |
Model Description | Model is 5'9" and wears an S. |
Material:Cotton Poplin
Care: Dry Clean Only
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