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Attending a Bachelorette in Bali soon? We got you covered. Wear our black cover up dress with our bustier while heading out to Rock bar or just replace the bustier with your bikini top for a crazy saturday night at La Favela with your girl gang. Please feel free to get in touch with the team at +91 7874666699 for a covered bralette version.
Print/ Pattern | SOLID | |||||
Fit | COMFORT | |||||
Length | XS: 32", S&M: 33", L&XL: 34" | |||||
Sleeve Length | XS: 13", S&M: 14", L&XL: 14.5" | |||||
Sleeve Length Type | FULL SLEEVES | |||||
Neckline Type | V NECK | |||||
Neck Depth | XS: 9.5", S & M: 10", L & XL: 10.5" | |||||
Pocket Description | TWO SHOW POCKETS | |||||
Transparency of Fabric | NONE | |||||
Apparel Closure Type | FRONT TIE-UP | |||||
Model Description | MODEL IS 5'9" AND WEARS SIZE S |
Material: LINEN
Urban Suburban Luxe is a custom made line, the garments once purchased will only be applicable for a one-time size exchange.
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